Spring Cleaning: 3 Energy Efficiency Tips for Spring

After an El Niño prolonged winter, Spring is finally in the air at EcoFactor HQ! As climes warm across the northern hemisphere we here at EcoFactor have put together some tips to help you transition into the warmer months in an energy efficient manner:

1. Service your A/C or Heat Pump: Removing dirt and debris from an outdoor unit and replacing or cleaning filters can lower your cooling system’s energy consumption by as much as 15 percent. DIYers will find this doable in an hour or two, while more hands off home-owners or renters should call an HVAC professional.

2. Seal Air Leaks: Some air leaks you may already know about, such as those around the border of doors or windows. Other places to check include electrical outlets, electrical and gas service entrances, baseboards, and attic hatches. For an even more in-depth analysis consider having a blower-door test done as part of an energy audit. Once you have identified leaks simply seal them up using weather stripping and caulking available at any home improvement or hardware store.

3. Take Advantage of Natural Lighting: With the days growing longer we can all make an effort to take advantage of the natural light and use less artificial lighting. Not only will you save energy and money, but studies have linked increased exposure to natural lighting to improved productivity in both the work place and school!


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